My Projects

My Youtube Channel

My Progress

Python HTMl/CSS Django JavaScript

Number of classes done: (24 + 24 + 18)

  • Python - Beginner
    • Data Outputs Printing outputs on the console
    • Data Types and Variables
    • Store data in the correct form
    • Data Inputs & Type Casting
    • Take data inputs from user
    • If Statements Make Simple Decisions
    • Project - Create a Game
    • Artificial Intelligence Steps to create A.I. and Data Preperation
    • Machine Learning & Prediction
    • Building classifier and predicting answers
    • Project - Basic chatbot to predict answers
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Do Simple Calculations
    • Operations and Libraries
    • Use libraries and modules for productivity
    • Loops Repeat fixed number of times
    • Loops Repeat within a repeating block
    • Project - Play a Game fixed number of times
    • Loops Repeat unknown number of times
    • Loops Repeat within a repeating block
    • Project - Play a Game as long as the user wants
    • Maintain a Game Score Card
    • Strings Dealing with and manipulating text data
    • Strings Solve Challenges
    • Functions Encapsulate task for multiple use
    • Turtle Designing 2D arcade games
    • Project - Controlling game objects and characters
    • Adding sound and score cards to the Game
    • Project Report & Presentation
  • Python - Advanced
    • Data Structures Store and manipulate multiple values in lists
    • Data Structures Stroing and manipluting data in tables / matrices
    • Project - Create utility tool
    • Data Structures Storing multiple values in immutable tuples
    • Data Structures Store and manipulate multiple values in Sets
    • Data Structures Solve challenges
    • Data Structures Storing and manipulating data as key-value pairs
    • Data Structures Slove Challenges
    • Project - Create Translator
    • Analyze frequencies
    • Project - Find Trends
    • High Performance Counting hashable objects
    • High Performance Storing and manipulating ordered key-value pairs
    • High Performance Faster adds and removes with deques
    • Project - Analyze frequencies and trends with High Performance
    • Rescursion Functions that call themselves
    • Exception & Errors Prevent codes from crashing
    • Exception & Errors Solve Challenges
    • Files Read and Write data into files for long term storage
    • Files Solve Challenges
    • Project - Design Algorithm
    • Trasform unstructured data into a strucutre of A.I.
    • Validate and store data into files
    • SQLite and Tkinter
    • Intro
    • Basic tags
    • Tables
    • Forms
    • Iframes and image tags
    • index.html and style.css
  • Django
    • MVC Model
    • Templates and static files
    • Template extending
    • Bootstrap
    • Deploy
    • OOP intro
    • Model Classes
    • Forms Classes
    • Views Classes
  • Vanilla JS
    • Basic intro
    • Difference between Python and JS
    • Alerts and console.log
    • Functions
    • Loops
    • Handling form validations
    • Text animation
    • Background animation
    • Using Libraries
Jaideep 🧑💻

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